We’ve finally made the necessary arrangements with ASCAP so that we can run a public, free podcast of the daily “Kaddish” recordings. As of today, all our daily Kaddish recordings are linked directly in this blog as “daily kaddish: [title]” posts that have an embedded Media Player, and you can subscribe to “beitmalkhut.org” in the iTunes Music Store at You can now subscribe to our daily “kaddish in two-part harmony” podcast in the iTunes music store:
Category: project news
News about the “kaddish in two-part harmony” project. Meta.
news on our virtual, asynchronous minyan
For our purposes, the “minyan” is our community of listeners. But we’re not all Jewish. (So far we’re all adults.) We don’t gather physically but virtually, by internet. And we don’t gather at the same time, exactly—we’re asynchronous.
kaddish in two-part harmony
I’ve been challenged to a kaddish a day — for an entire year. That year starts today, right now in fact. On this very line. I’m not sure this is a healthy thing to do, but maybe it’s exactly the right way to work it through. Bibbo tells me of the baths his babalawo prescribes….