For anyone steeped in Kabbalah, familiar active letters dart into new cosmologies. For anyone steeped in cosmology, the antics of those letters introduce fresh questions about the world. For everyone else, and probably for those mystics and seers too, Malkah’s Notebook will offer nested challenges, like so many matryoshka dolls, ornately painted mysteries lurking inside mysteries lurking inside mysteries. As much is written between the letters and in the spaces inside the letters as in the letters themselves.
Tag: cats
kaddish for anke akevit (2015-20)
Rest in peace, sweet Anke Akevit. You were a sweet cat.
a kaddish for sigrid syltetøy vang, b. 2006, d. 27 February 2018
Sigrid was sweet, fun, goofy, curious; all the usual cat things. Silky and beautiful. By far the most beautiful cat I have ever known.
daily kaddish: for Xena
Tonight’s Kaddish is for my friends Eric and Jody’s beloved cat Xena, a beautiful tortoiseshell who had to be put down after she began losing the battle with lung cancer.
daily kaddish: for a kitty
Somebody’s cat had died. I can’t remember whose. I’m appalled.
daily kaddish: for all our pets
I’ve been thinking about departed critters a lot lately, because I’ve been at the vet a lot lately.
daily kaddish: for lyra
A modest Kaddish for a modest cat. Lyra, may you rest in peace.
daily kaddish: a kaddish for mr. one-paw
It’s a lesson I have to relearn each time: the hardest thing is the sudden deprivation of rituals. This is the last time Fuller will ever be on my lap. Friday was the last time Fuller played with his favorite catnip mouse. One minute he’s here, the next he’s gone.