Today’s Kaddish is for my friend Kathleen Comalli Dillon’s beloved dog Shay, whose Yahrtzeit was last Saturday, 18 June.
Tag: dogs
bonus kaddish: for chuck stine, from the blooper reel
This is from the blooper reel of Mira’s and my attempt to make a Kaddish for Chuck Stine on his Yahrtzeit.
daily kaddish: for chuck stine
Tonight’s Kaddish is for Chuck Stine, my friend Sharon Jacobson Stine’s husband, on his Yahrtzeit.
daily kaddish: for ziggy ziggurat zussman
[powerpress] Mira and I have been walking our dogs at Ft Funston in San Francisco a lot lately, and naturally these excursions have led to conversations about the dogs we have loved who walk with us no longer—my Sam, Alex, and Candy Pants, and her Elchanan, Pooch, and Ziggy Ziggurat Zussman. When it came time…
a kaddish for miss pants
Candy Pants was my dad’s hunting dog, retired to California, endured four dogs’ worth of veterinary crises, and healed me—not exactly in that order.
we dying dogs
Sometimes we just slow down and stop. And that’s it. We’re done. That’s what happened today at Funston, heading back from the cliffside trail. This woman’s dogs were going just nuts as she tried to protect one between her legs who was just plain done. It was like she was paralyzed there, not paying attention…
death in paradise
We hike in paradise on a daily basis. Slog though the sand on the cliffs overlooking the shore — and the sand gets deeper every year. Though every other year or so a truck comes by and tries to clear the trail some. The sand returns, carried by the wind. Someday, I’ll be slogging through…