Today’s Kaddish is for Reb Deb’s cousin Adele; may she rest in peace.
daily kaddish: scatting
Yet another daily kaddish made while away from the instrument petting zoo… Since I’m shy about my singing voice, I did a scat version, because an up-tempo improv would be over faster.
daily kaddish: just another day in our year
Mira and I have been talking backstage about the themes in the daily Kaddish. Sometimes I ask her, “What should today’s Kaddish be about?” or a variation of that question, because there’s just nobody or nothing specific I have in mind.
daily kaddish: losing those who were already lost
Tonight’s Kaddish contemplates the loss of those we’ve already lost—when people who were already lost to us are lost again, finally, to death.
daily kaddish: for our loved ones
The business trip to Paris continued, and just about out of instrumentless options, I decided to whistle this one over Mira’s voice.
daily kaddish: el shehadah
My business trip to Paris continued, and fortunately Mira bailed me out for a night by doing this recitation of the Muslim prayer “El Shehadah” and the Jewish Mourner’s prayer “Kaddish.”
daily kaddish: six snails and one onion
After a decadent, delicious meal of escargot and soupe a l’oignon gratinée, it seemed appropriate to pay my respects to the six snails who died for my happiness.
daily kaddish: from Paris
This is the first of a series of primitive Kaddish recordings made while on a business trip to Paris.
k2ph is on the road
I’m out of the country on business quite a bit in the next few weeks, so the daily Kaddish podcasts are going to be a bit unreliable. I will be making the recordings each day, but I won’t be able to post them until the all the details of wifi and devices align perfectly with…
daily kaddish: a guest reading
A guest reading of the Kaddish today by Max Swisher.