Tomorrow will be the Yahrtzeit of Mira’s and my “kaddish in two-part harmony” collaboration—or at least the daily podcast recording part of it. This project is not quite done yet, but the daily commitment will come to an end.
Thoughts of our project’s beginnings brought my beloved Nanc to mind, and Mira’s Galina, and so I found some audio from way back in the spring when Nanc’s and Galina’s Yahrtzeits were approaching. I had asked Mira to read a poem Nanc had written for me, and she also recorded a “Dodi li” for Galina, along with the usual text of the Kaddish (and her “bismilleh” invocation of course).
When I played the “erev Yahrtzeit, K2PH” recording for Mira, she was appalled to hear her mistakes, but she agreed to let me post this recording as is, anyway, as the snapshot it is of her text, then, only if I identified it as such.
Of course, I’ve been posting my mistakes every single day! And it hasn’t gotten any easier after a year.