Once again I’m likely to have some trouble keeping the daily podcast posts timely while I’m traveling in Asia. I’ll continue making the daily recordings on the day, with days defined by local time, but transferring iTalk recordings from iPad or iPhone to my work Dell and then dealing with Audacity to process mp3s and post to WordPress is Allan bit much to manage even when finding the Internet connections is straightforward. iTalk Sync, for example, requires both machines to be on the same network, but wifi isn’t always what’s available. I’m going to try to get things posted along the way, but I might again have to do a backload of posts when I get home.
Let’s hope I at least run across some musical instruments in my wanderings, so I don’t have to torture us all with my singing voice or sloppy Hebrew/Aramaic every day.
In the meantime, greetings from Tokyo, where the tragic events in March and most especially the implications of Fukushima for nuclear power plants throughout Japan have quite literally dimmed the usual neon opulence of Tokyo’s famous nightclub district. Tokyo was not directly affected by the earthquake too badly, but the disruption of power and myriad indirect disruptions of normal life are subtly palpable.
A Kaddish for the many souls lost in the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster.