Yesterday I tried playing Kaddish supine while using the black thermoplastic brace that my hand therapist made me. Tonight, I tried again with the thicker, stiffer white brace she also made.
Category: kaddish in two-part harmony
The Academic and the Musician. The academic immerses in Kaddish with thoughts of thinking rather than feeling—the emotions being too raw. The musician spends her time in making us feel, whether we want to or not. And making the music of kaddish. Making music kadosh. A flurry of emails ensue between the two. Their blogs lock horns, as do the writers themselves. They start a joint blog. They start a podcast.
A commitment to a year-long project has begun: a kaddish in two-part harmony.
A conversation among an anthropologist, a musician, and their audience on themes of death and dying, grief, ritual, the interplay between musician and listener.
daily kaddish: from the injured bench
This is the first Kaddish recorded supine but using a hand support—the thinner black one. It helped a lot—the horn was still slipping downward, but it didn’t pull my finger out of position when it did so. This is progress.
avram and the not so barren sarah — 1.1.8
It was not that Sarah was barren—it was more, perhaps, that she had had enormous difficulty holding a child to term. And those she had lost had all been girls and were not counted by the fathers of her lineage, nor troubled over by the master of her house. The rebbe retreated to manuscripts and…
daily kaddish: for my great aunt, Severine Regine Vang
A kaddish for the common ancestor of me and my second cousin, who’s visiting from Norway.
daily kaddish: for Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs’ obituary had been written thousands of times before he got around to dying. I think the heap of Apple equipment I listed above will do just fine as mine. Oh, and one more thing—
daily kaddish: back to stunts again
I’m back to stunts alone again tonight. I’m in training to play the opening lines of kaddish while lying on my back, and I’m having trouble figuring out how to do this without exacerbating a finger injury.
daily kaddish: on Mira’s dad’s birthday
Thank you, Mira, for tonight, and for joining me in this project. It’s an honor to be here with you. May the Tzaddik rest in peace.
daily kaddish: supine at home
Tonight begins my several weeks of training to be able to play this thing well despite lying on my back. I recorded the whole Kaddish in my studio with the usual setup except that I was lying on my back on the floor.
orah, the androgyne — 1.1.7
Malkah, too, however, was not the queerest of them all. There was a fifth daughter that the rebbe had, although that should not be, especially after the fuss of Vavah. Especially after the birth of perfect Malkah. And yet there was one more. And she, needs be, was the mysterious light of the rebbe’s eye,…
daily kaddish: in which Erin reveals just how horrible her Hebrew/Aramaic is
I attempted to read the text looking only at the Hebrew/Aramaic column. You’d think I’d have the text close enough to memorized by now that I’d be half decent at this, but no—and especially not when I’m half asleep and not wearing my glasses.