Kaddish #2 in a Memorial Day weekend trilogy: for all those we remember on Memorial Day.
Category: kaddish in two-part harmony
The Academic and the Musician. The academic immerses in Kaddish with thoughts of thinking rather than feeling—the emotions being too raw. The musician spends her time in making us feel, whether we want to or not. And making the music of kaddish. Making music kadosh. A flurry of emails ensue between the two. Their blogs lock horns, as do the writers themselves. They start a joint blog. They start a podcast.
A commitment to a year-long project has begun: a kaddish in two-part harmony.
A conversation among an anthropologist, a musician, and their audience on themes of death and dying, grief, ritual, the interplay between musician and listener.
daily kaddish: memorial day weekend, i
First of a kaddish trilogy for Memorial Day Weekend—a Kaddish for all those whom we remember this weekend.
daily kaddish: for galina on shabbes
Recorded live at Mira’s mom’s house with Mira intoning the opening and operating iTalk on my iPhone.
daily kaddish: for galina, on her yahrtzeit
Tonight’s Kaddish is for Galina Lindquist on her Yahrtzeit.
yahrtzeit for galina
your quizzical smile eyes cocked, waiting you say nothing, save ‘why?‘ and they pour out their secrets and you — you collect them and you do them justice but that’s just our business— that’s just our business your fingertips arranging their tales for the ages their children will read you they’ll wish they could find…
daily kaddish: for mira’s grandpa
It took me a while to figure out how to play Mira’s grandpa’s Kaddish.
malkah, magnes, and the military police
Malkah was at the Madrid airport, as wholesome as she could be. She had a husband with her and two squeaky clean children with her. And all their camping gear. And all her archives notes. And all her permissions to conduct research. And she got detained anyway trying to leave the country. It wasn’t the…
daily kaddish: for nona and grandpa
A Kaddish for Mira’s Nona and Grandpa.
daily kaddish: for the ruptured raptor rapture
My sister-in-law Jen suggested a Kaddish for the rapture that didn’t happen on Saturday.