The next morning, I figured I’d better record the Kaddish right away, before I forgot about it. After a few cups of tea and an hour or two of catching up on client email, I got right to it.
Category: kaddish in two-part harmony
The Academic and the Musician. The academic immerses in Kaddish with thoughts of thinking rather than feeling—the emotions being too raw. The musician spends her time in making us feel, whether we want to or not. And making the music of kaddish. Making music kadosh. A flurry of emails ensue between the two. Their blogs lock horns, as do the writers themselves. They start a joint blog. They start a podcast.
A commitment to a year-long project has begun: a kaddish in two-part harmony.
A conversation among an anthropologist, a musician, and their audience on themes of death and dying, grief, ritual, the interplay between musician and listener.
daily kaddish: from beijing
I think it was 3:30 in the morning when we realized that bedtime had come and gone, and I still needed to make a Kaddish. Oy.
a kaddish for Randy — guest post from Tim Lavalli
A good friend died this week. He took his own life. We are all shocked and saddened by his passing and we are all asking ourselves – why? Which is to say, we are having the normal human reaction to such an unnecessary loss. I am not going to praise him here, you did not…
daily kaddish: exhausted
This was a Kaddish recorded only because I said I would record one every day for a year no matter. Hardest one so far.
daily kaddish: for lyra
A modest Kaddish for a modest cat. Lyra, may you rest in peace.
on suicide
Just when I was feeling all kadished-out. Just when I thought I couldn’t write another thing about death, death and dying, loss, grief, the ones I love, terrible events … Just when I thought that the kaddish project — our kaddish in two-part harmony — had done its job a few months shy of a…
Podcasts once again in hiatus for travel
Once again I’m likely to have some trouble keeping the daily podcast posts timely while I’m traveling in Asia. I’ll continue making the daily recordings on the day, with days defined by local time, but transferring iTalk recordings from iPad or iPhone to my work Dell and then dealing with Audacity to process mp3s and…
daily kaddish: from my ryokan
A jetlagged Kaddish recorded from my room in a peaceful sanctuary of a ryokan, Yoshimizu Ginza in Tokyo.
daily kaddish: for shay
Today’s Kaddish is for my friend Kathleen Comalli Dillon’s beloved dog Shay, whose Yahrtzeit was last Saturday, 18 June.
daily kaddish: for adele
Today’s Kaddish is for Reb Deb’s cousin Adele; may she rest in peace.