[powerpress] A kaddish for those who don’t escape domestic abuse situations.
Category: kaddish in two-part harmony
The Academic and the Musician. The academic immerses in Kaddish with thoughts of thinking rather than feeling—the emotions being too raw. The musician spends her time in making us feel, whether we want to or not. And making the music of kaddish. Making music kadosh. A flurry of emails ensue between the two. Their blogs lock horns, as do the writers themselves. They start a joint blog. They start a podcast.
A commitment to a year-long project has begun: a kaddish in two-part harmony.
A conversation among an anthropologist, a musician, and their audience on themes of death and dying, grief, ritual, the interplay between musician and listener.
daily kaddish: tsunami
[powerpress] For the victims of Japan’s 8.9 earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor disaster in Fukushima.
daily kaddish: zsuzsi’s mom
[powerpress] For my friends Zsuzsi and Denis’s mother[-in-law], a Holocaust survivor.
the life-taker and the life-giver: on the healing power of estrogen
It was a very long time ago, but I just got jolted by it again. He, the Vet, had walked into my office. There was already a student in there and she overheard him say, “I could have killed you …” I think it opened the conversation. But before I knew it, the student had…
daily kaddish: response and call
[powerpress] In recent recordings, I tried to play in response to the call of the rhythm and shape of Mira’s reading of the “bismilleh kaddish” text. In this recording, I tried instead to play in anticipation of her pre-recorded text, trying to do call to her response. It was difficult; as familiar as I am…
daily kaddish: text jazz
[powerpress] Here I tried to improvise music in a jazzy style to the sound of Mira’s text.
counting cards with my grumpy grampa
I never gave my grampa his due, but I’m starting to appreciate him.
rudolf steiner in seven-part harmony
It’s your seven-year cycle,” she said. “You’re coming up on the next seven, so that’s why you feel that something’s about to change.” And I thought, well what a load of crap. And then I thought about it. And then I started reading. And then I thought about it some more. I always liked Rudolf…
daily kaddish: flügelhorn blues
[powerpress] A recording on flügelhorn in a bluesy style.
daily kaddish: horn accompaniment
[powerpress] This time I foregrounded Mira’s voice and let the improvised horn music be a background accompaniment.